My dad ordered these Kentucky Derby cookies for the local Ambucs' Derby Days party. Derby Days is a charity event with food, music, drinks and entertainment. The event raises money to buy AmTrykes for children with disabilities.
Physical therapists use the AmTrykes to help kids with cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, spina bifida, hemi paresis or motor, sensory, general developmental delay, and autism. Ambucs also provides scholarships for therapists.
Click on over for more information on the Derby Days event or for information on the AmTrykes and how to make a donation. Derby Days supports a great cause, and I can tell you, these Ambucs members know how to have a good time. It will be a blast! the cookies....
I like this picture because you can kind of see the horses some to life. The cookie on the left has just been outlined and filled. The cookie in the middle has been piped with details in brown, and then the one on the right has the added color detail.
I'm not sure what you have to do to get a cookie. My dad ordered 120 and I know there are A LOT more than 120 people who attend. Here's my advice....ask for John who brought the cookies. Tell him you're a blog reader's what will really help...refill his beer glass. I can't promise anything, but, never hurts to ask! :)
Don't forget to enter the See's Candies giveaway...drawing to be held Saturday night!
Come back tomorrow for ONE MORE quick Mother's Day giveaway!!! YAY!
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