Do you ever have ideas for projects and you just never get around to starting or finishing? I have had one of those for two years! We purchased a new house two years ago (two years ago next week actually) and while I did scrap the move process, I had never scrapped the new house pages. Until tonight... FINALLY!
It's actually a little funny, but I have put off scrapping the house exterior pages because I kept forgetting to get updated photos. The original photo only had "builder landscaping". I wanted photos that included the 16 foot palm we had installed, along with the flamingo willow tree and some of my knock out roses. I finally managed to get those photos taken last week. Coincidentally, I was also able to use my new Home Decor cartridge to cut some of the page elements (as well as Home Accents for HOME). And before you ask, I purchased the address plate two years ago... before design studio. The customized address plate came from Scrap Your Trip. I also creating pages showing the moving process and the paper and rub-ons for those pages also came from Scrap Your Trip.
My other project this evening was a monogrammed card. I wanted to try this cute circle cut card so I used it to create my monogrammed card. I foresee more of these in my future!!
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