Remember way back when (in November), when I told you guys about Drop In & Decorate? It's a group that makes and decorates cookies and donates them. It's run by Lydia of The Perfect Pantry.
I asked if anyone wanted to participate in a virtual Drop In & Decorate and boy, did you! Our little group ended up donating over 650 cookies!!!
Let me show you....
♥I'll start with Cheryl, of TidyMom, who I dub "the Queen of Drop In & Decorate."
I asked if anyone wanted to participate in a virtual Drop In & Decorate and boy, did you! Our little group ended up donating over 650 cookies!!!
Let me show you....
♥I'll start with Cheryl, of TidyMom, who I dub "the Queen of Drop In & Decorate."
♥ Next up, Liz of Hoosier Homemade...she and her kids decorated and 4 dozen donated cookies to the Salvation Army. How cute are they all working together?!?

{They realized the importance of taste-testing.}
♥ And, Amanda of i am baker (LOVE this blog...cannot get it to load in my Google Reader...I digress, but if anyone has advice, I need it). Amanda takes THE most gorgeous pictures...maybe because her cookies are gorgeous!
She made a decorated over 230 cookies for Nokomis. Let me show you....
♥ Now, here's Crisanne...another former Delta flight attendant (woo-hoo)! Crisanne and her mom's group decorated 6 dozen cookies for the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus, OH. Yay!!! How great to get the kids involved, too!

♥ I almost forgot us! Our family donated a total of 104 cookies (but who's counting?). :) On Thanksgiving, my son & I delivered a little more than 3 dozen of these... the Silverado Senior Living.
Then, my friend Peggy came over and helped to decorate 66 cookies for the Montgomery County Women's Center.
{Peggy had never decorated cookies before and was a pro in about 3 minutes flat! Look at her...she even decorates wearing jewelry! I have to take all mine off before decorating.}
And while the next two don't technically count as Drop In & Decorate donations, I wanted to show you...
♥Ann Marie's (of Household6Diva) cookies for a baking auction. Aren't they fabulous?!?

♥And then, there's Mandy of Gourmet Mom on-the-Go....listen to what her family did...
"OK, so we decided to go craaaaazy and our family is hosting a Gingerbread House making party for 25 kids at our local family homeless shelter. My girls have sorted all kinds of candies into bags, we're whipping up gallons of royal icing, and we're going to pre-assemble 25 houses to take down in our mini-van. Wish us luck! I have a feeling we're all going to be veeeeeery sticky before this thing is over."
How COOL is that?!?!? I haven't seen pictures, yet, but I'll be sure to add some when I do!Thank you, thank you so much for participating! Remember that you can donate decorated cookies ANYTIME! Click on over to Drop In & Decorate for more information. Thanks for spreading the holiday cheer!!!
***If I've forgotten you (sorry), or you still have pictures to submit, please email me!***
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